
Correspondent's Desk

A school is seen as a 'Temple of Learning'. But it will be an altogether different experience if we can also see it as a 'Temple of Transformation'. The school is the place where children are encouraged to say 'I see it, I get it, I can do it'. Our philosophy of education has always been meeting with the need of the individual child. They acquire skills and knowledge easily we can make the surroundings stimulating and purposeful. Our school classes are equipped with smart class interactive systems. Our faculties are well trained and highly responsive to children needs. The activities here give high priority for better opportunities in schooling generation after generation of bright young minds. A note of appreciation must be made to our members of the teaching and non-teaching staff. Their dedication and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty to educate and enlighten our students. While the pandemic made it imperative to digitize education, the transition from offline to online learning, both synchronous and asynchronous, on the virtual platform became the only route and viable way to keep learning continuous and constant. We believe that great teachers make great learners. And we will make no compromise to continue to provide the cutting edge education to our children in these unpreceded times. 'Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school'. Realizing the need for educating the heart and not just the mind, the school provides expression grounds for all the above attributes to be nurtured in a child. With such a wholesome experience the child will blossom into an adorable, dependable, sensible and responsible individual who will be empowered to pave the way for achieving breakthrough in life.

Principal's Desk

'Flowers leave part of their fragrance in the hand that bestows them'

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. I appreciate the staff and students of all faculties who use various modes of expansion tp present their ideas. Teachers have expressed concern about their students well-being, saying they're struggling to keep up morale. Our actions are born from our values, and values come from our own belief system, if we believe life is miserable, we attract misery, if we believe life is beautiful, we attract happiness. we get what we focus on; so, focus that good things would happen to our children. This is one of the strong variables, which would impact our children. Let me share the COVID'19 period, we have looked to pioneers in e-learning where teachers have already found their ways to interact with their students. We use a mixture of software to communicate between staff and the students. We've got to be quite careful to keep them inspired and interested and prepare them for returning to school. Stay in touch as much as possible and continue to communicate. We can't stand together physically. But our thoughts can be united. So let's fight together digitally hand in hand, against this pandemic. This is a new territory for all of us, let's work hard getting through this challenge together. Even as we impart education to match the advancement in technology and globalization, we march our children ahead with ethos of moral values and principles. We endeavor constantly to instill these qualities in our children. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the future.